Home / Dhruva Projects


Dhruva Projects was incorporated in 2019 as a non-government, private unlisted company, primarily in the real estate sector. A pioneer in the field of Real Estate, Dhruva Projects is led by an experienced team that gives the company credibility and hence satisfaction to its customers.

Social Media Creative

By pushing the content to the right audience through Social Media platforms, we created awareness about the product and increased the reach of the brand. On special occasions like Festivals and National events, Social Media Campaigns were created and posted over online platforms. The video advertisement campaign, created a positive impact and helped in creating awareness about the brand.

Client Name

Dhruva Projects


Web and Social

Contact Us


3-6-2017/1, 2nd Floor, Sai Rasmi, Street No.15, Hymathnagar,
Hyderabad - 500029, Telanagana - INDIA.

Phone Number


